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Parent Coordination


Image of parents with young kids walking on a beach
Image of parents showing a toddler beach shells

Are you sick and tired of spending time and money in the courtroom?

Is trying to communicate needs regarding your child’s decisions causing you stress?

Tired of being at one another’s throat when it comes to time share? Do you need a parenting plan that will “stick” put into place?

If you need assistance with coming to agreements when it comes to your child, to include creating a parenting plan, Parent Coordination could be for you!

What exactly is Parent Coordination?

The parent coordination process is utilized to assist parents with communicating needs and decisions of their children. As a Parent Coordinator for the state of Florida, I assist the courts through use of a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process to help facilitate the following:


  • Resolution of parent disputes (in a timely manner)

  • Educate parents about the needs of their children

  • Decision making within the scope of the appointment and court order

What is a Parent Coordinator?

As a Parent Coordinator, I am a neutral party, able to assist you with:

  • Gaining full understanding of what is going on in the family system or with your child, creating conflict

  • Facilitate communicate between parents, where appropriate

  • Resolving legal conflicts and disagreements, resulting in decisions being made

  • Having less stress caused by the child’s other parent when it comes to making decisions

  • Help build time-share plans in order to avoid frequent issues with time share schedules

  • Improve shared parenting roles and responsibilities

  • Reduction of attorney meetings

  • Elimination of court hearings


Do I have to be court-ordered to have a Parent Coordinator?

No, parents do not have to be court-ordered to use a parent coordinator.


Do I have to meet in the same room or same time with my child’s other parent?

It is recommended to meet together if at all possible, however, meeting together is not a requirement. You are able to meet with me as your Parent Coordinator separately from the child’s other parent. In addition to the child’s best interest being priority, your comfort and ability to feel safe physically and emotionally is also important.


Does my lawyer need to know I have a parent coordinator?

Yes, if you are in a legal process, it is recommended your attorney is always in the loop of any activity. As a licensed family counselor, I remain neutral, however, my goal is to remain child-focused, as mentioned several times above, having the best interest of the child at forefront at all times!

Parents who work together, raise happy children
I can help you get there.
Don't delay. Make an appointment today.

CALL:  407-602-3377

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